Daily Headline News

We write and discuss news events in sports, entertainment, and world news.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Banks Going Down

The banks are on an endless spiral toward the do do bird. I saw we let them go under. No more loans and paying ridiculous interest. Good story about this.

Monday, February 2, 2009

James Harrison Hits Aaron Francisco While He's Down

I can't believe this only got Harrison a 15 yard penalty. Even in the spotlight of the SuperBowl dastardly actions can go unpunished I suppose. The refs really called this game bad especially from the Cardinals perspective. Steelers get the benefit of doubt in most of the calls in this one. Their needs to be an ejection rule in the NFL for stuff like this. Or else we'll just call it UFC with a ball!

Bob Knight Going to Bulldogs?

Wow Bob Knight could be headed to the Georgia Bulldogs. I thought he was retired for good, but I guess I'm wrong. He's a good coach and could really turn their team around.